Automation in HRM


HR automation is a computerized service which enables HR professionals to manage personnel more efficiently and productively. It has brought a significant change in the traditional HR office by taking over high-risk jobs and performing menial tasks with greater efficiency and consistency. HR automation has made HR management more streamlined and effective, allowing HR professionals to focus on more strategic tasks that require their expertise and critical thinking.

Effectively implementing and utilizing HR automation can significantly decrease the need for HR teams to perform monotonous, manual tasks and establish more streamlined and precise ways of working throughout the organization. This allows the HR department to dedicate more of their time and effort towards fostering a more positive workplace culture and leveraging their expertise on a daily basis.

What is HR automation? 

Human Resources Automation uses software to digitize and automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, including employee onboarding administration, payroll, timekeeping, and benefits administration(“What is HR Automation?” 2021).
Organizations use various automation methods to manage their human resources effectively. These methods include employee monitoring, payroll management, employee benefits, training, and development. Investing in HR automation makes it easier for organizations to identify and implement the best human capital decisions. (Uppin, 2017).
Switching to HR automation requires training to be effective (Mishra et al., n.d.)

Benefits of HR automation

Investing in HR automation has numerous benefits. Let's explore some of these advantages.                                                                             

Will it Remove the HR Managers? 

According to an article titled "The Right Way to Transform Human Resource Processes with Automation," while automation can greatly reduce the manual workload in HR processes, it should not completely replace HR managers and teams. Instead, automation should be used to augment their work, allowing them to perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively.

Global & Local Context.

The world-reputed companies such as Google, Facebook, and Apple have automated nearly 80 percent of their HR processes(Meduri and Yadav, 2021). 
According to (Serasinghe and Opatha, 2013) main private sector organizations including banks have started the automation of HR practices, and be 2025 nearly 95% of the leading top 100 companies will adopt to this process due to the effect of cost and efficiency. 

What can be automated in HR? 
Here are some HR automation examples with case studies of how companies currently use HR automation and how it benefits them and their employees.

1. Recruiting
Recruiting processes include:
Posting job ads, Tracking responses, CV screening, Pre-employment assessments, Sorting and prioritizing candidates based on set criteria, Automated email flows, etc.. 

2. Employee onboarding
Leave management and attendance tracking. 
Manually calculating and approving vacation days can be problematic since it involves many tasks.

3. Expense claims
Unnecessary manual tasks like submitting expenses are harming your employee’s satisfaction at work. 

4. Payroll.
Manually calculating the time or days worked, along with sick leave or vacation days, leaves much room for error. This leads to employees being under- or overpaid. 

5.     Time management.
Having a manual timesheet for time tracking and appointing one person or a team to track it is extremely inefficient. They can often be filled out days later and also misplaced. 

6. Employee benefits.
Benefits include health care, retirement plans, workers' compensation, and other benefits.

7. Employee performance tracking.
Automating employee performance records means the company has accessible data to determine raises, bonuses, disciplinary action, or termination. 

Strategic Human Resource Management Using Automation

Strategic human resource management identifies the long-term best uses of human talent as revealed by HR data. Traditional HR management mostly implemented directives from the top tier. With strategic automation, HR teams can reduce paper shuffling and focus the attention on more strategic roles of HR like talent forecast, pipeline succession, and more.


As organizations continue to move at breakneck speed, there’s no reason to compete at a snail’s pace using manual processes. With a techno-savvy visual platform, user-friendly interface, and unparalleled support, businesses could well be on the way to a streamlined and optimized HR department.

Can HR Tech Solve Human Resources Problems?, 2019. . HR Manag. (accessed 26.10.23).

Meduri, Y., Yadav, P., 2021. Automation Invading Human Resources Digital Transformation and Impact of Automation in the Space of HR. Delhi Bus. Rev. 22, 62–69.

Mishra, S., Kunte, M., Neelam, N., Bhattacharya, S., n.d. HR Process Automation: A Bibliometric Analysis 14.

Serasinghe, D., Opatha, H., 2013. Human Resource Management Practices in Listed Firms in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan J. Hum. Resour. Manag.

The Right Way to Transform Human Resource Processes with Automation [WWW Document], n.d. (accessed 27.10.23).

Uppin, C., 2017. Study of benefits of HR automation in organizations. Int. J. Acad. Res. Dev. Volume 2, Page No. 254-257.

What is HR Automation? A Guide with Practical Examples [WWW Document], 2021. . AIHR Digit. (accesse26.10.23).

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Kissflow (nd) Available at (accessed on 26/.10.2023)

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  1. I appreciate the balanced perspective on HR automation's role in the workplace. It's crucial to recognize that while automation streamlines repetitive tasks, it cannot replace the invaluable expertise of HR managers. Your inclusion of real-world examples, especially from renowned companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple, adds credibility to the discussion.

  2. an in-depth review of HR automation, emphasizes the potential to transform conventional HR operations through the optimization of routine duties and the redirection of HR practitioners' attention towards strategic efforts. also, this article suggests that automation is beneficial as it helps human roles instead of replacing them. This promotes a future where HR can work more efficiently and have a greater strategic impact.

  3. Informative on what HR automation is, why it is beneficial, and what aspects of HR can be automated. It also discusses the global and local context of HR automation and its impact on strategic human resource management.

  4. This article offers a well-rounded view of HR automation, highlighting its potential to revolutionize traditional HR tasks without diminishing the role of human expertise.great topic and well explained.

  5. By leveraging automation in HRM, organizations can free up HR professionals' time, enhance the employee experience, and focus more on strategic initiatives that contribute to organizational growth and development.

  6. HR automation has disrupted the traditional HR office. It's taking over jobs that involve high-risk factors and performing menial tasks with greater efficiency and consistency.
    You have given all the aspects to identify and to win the situation with a better perspective.


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